Everyday English

Harjoitus 1. Kuuntele Tomin ja hänen tuttavansa keskustelu ja kirjoita englanniksi henkilön nimen viereen mitä hän harrastaa (kaksi asiaa). Käytä vastauksissa ing-muotoa.

Friend: Hello Tom, nice to see you! It’s been a long time!
Tom: Good to see you, too! How are you?
Friend: I’m fine, thanks. How about you? Do you still like travelling?
Tom: Yes, I do. And I also have a new hobby.
Friend: What is it?
Tom: Watching movies. I watch movies every night with my partner Minna.
Friend: Does Minna have a lot of hobbies?
Tom: Yes, she does. She likes going to the gym and jogging.
Friend: How are Minna’s parents? Are they retired?
Tom: Pekka is retired, but Anna is not. They are very active. Anna likes swimming and going for a walk. Pekka has a new hobby. Cooking!
Friend: Really! I’m sure he is a good cook.
Tom: Yes, he is. He also likes reading.
Friend: Well, it was nice to see you. Have a nice day!
Tom: Thanks, you too!

still yhä
active aktiivinen

  1. Tom:

  2. Minna:

  3. Anna:

  4. Pekka: